about us

My name is Jason Heylen and the first time I saw a Boerboel was when my friend took me to see Ds Buy’s male named Buks. I immediately fell in love with the breed and tried to find out as much as I possibly could about the Boerboel breed. I was later introduced to the late Piet Sprinkhuizen from Avontuur Boerboele and it was through him that I purchased my first dog that I named Os. As the years went by, I always maintained a keen interest in the breed. I attended shows whenever I could, until I decided to take it a step further and start breeding. It was then, that I met Lukas Van Vuuren. He had a huge influence on me and the way in which he spoke of the breed really inspired me to try my hand at breeding. He and his daughter Bets have always helped me and given advice whenever needed.



Although many different dog breeds exist, all have their own unique faults which plague them. Hip Dysplasia is probably the most common issue that new owners are concerned with when purchasing any large breed mastiff or dog for that matter!The ways in which you raise; feed and handle a Boerboel pup are very important for the years that lie ahead of him/her. Genetics are not always at fault and I therefore stress to all possible/ future owners to really orientate themselves with the feeding and husbandry techniques associated with raising a healthy Boerboel puppy..


Copyright 2021 Heylen Boerboels