about us

My name is Jason Heylen and the first time I saw a Boerboel was when my friend took me to see Ds Buy’s male named Buks. I immediately fell in love with the breed and tried to find out as much as I possibly could about the Boerboel breed. I was later introduced to the late Piet Sprinkhuizen from Avontuur Boerboele and it was through him that I purchased my first dog that I named Os. As the years went by, I always maintained a keen interest in the breed. I attended shows whenever I could, until I decided to take it a step further and start breeding. It was then, that I met Lukas Van Vuuren. He had a huge influence on me and the way in which he spoke of the breed really inspired me to try my hand at breeding. He and his daughter Bets have always helped me and given advice whenever needed.

I personally like dogs that are very well muscled yet conform to the standard. I enjoy seeing a very well-muscled male who is well balanced; energetic; lively and yet tolerant of people. The females that I hope to breed should also be very well-muscled, yet display clear feminine qualities with good motherly instincts. I believe, a Boerboel is first and foremost a protector of his family and these traits are what must be preserved in a breed that has been developed by the ancestors of our beautiful land. It is a privilege to be able to carry on what was given to us by our forefathers – this magnificent breed that is as tough as the people who created him and as ragged and striking as the land he originates from.

Copyright 2021 Heylen Boerboels